Genesis Cinema

For those of us with a love of film, independent cinemas hold a certain charm and originality. The feeling of classic authenticity can play a strong part in the enjoyment of the movie experience. A particular cinema in the East End delivers this flawlessly. Genesis Cinema, situated on the Mile End road in Stepney Green is the perfect example of a cinema with character; clearly driven by a love of the film aesthetic and no doubt a great deal of sentimental value. Visually, the cinema holds strong to the classic movie ethos. Bold letters on the high street advertising current films and a welcoming atmosphere that makes you want to stay for a few drinks after the movie makes this is a much loved gem of the east end.

Genesis Cinema - Late Afternoon

Genesis Cinema – Late Afternoon

When recently visiting Genesis, I was lucky enough to catch a screening of a wonderful short film Physics’the story of a young girl who discovers the ‘God Particle’ on a lonely beach in the midst of IMG_1273her understanding of the world’s differing energies and important values. The film was shown in the cinema’s Paragon Bar, an event run by S4 (Script-Shoot-Slice-Screen). It seems there is no greater setting for a monthly short film viewing and discussion than Genesis. On a cozy Tuesday evening, friends gather for drinks at the bar as the proceedings begin and organizer Steven conducts the relaxed order of service – first a viewing of the film and then a question and answer session with the Writer/Director, Producer and Camera Operator. Not only is this event a great opportunity to witness some creative work being discussed by its creators, but also a chance to relax in the environment that is best suited to enjoying some real, interesting footage.

Q+A with the Director, Producer and Camera Operator of ‘Physics’.

Other than playing host to interesting and very genuine events, Genesis definitely know how to present the blockbusters. The building originally opened as ‘The Paragon Theatre of Varieties’ in 1885, hosting artists such as Charlie Chaplin, Little Tich and Stan Laurel. Since then the viewing space has taken on a number of different faces until blossoming into brilliance with Genesis. Housing an impressively large auditorium and a number of screens, the cinema gives the big names a run for their money. Unlike other cinemas, Genesis has a trick up its sleeve: Studio 5. For little extra cost you can enjoy the benefits of an intimate screen sporting comfy sofas, blankets and an in-screen bar, most definitely the best way to watch that film that you’ve waited weeks for.

With some of the greatest movie posters on the walls, a café open from 9am and a bar housing some pretty impressive (and fairly priced) cocktails, this cinema has a real atmosphere all of its own. Whether its half price Wednesdays or a Saturday night dinner and a movie, make sure you get down there some time soon, you won’t regret it. Genesis cinema, you are a true Gem of the East End.

Overall Rating: 5/5

Individuality: 4/5

Price: ££

More info and bookings:

Script-Shoot-Slice-Screen site:

    • Thanks Nicola, it was a very interesting and moving piece. Thanks for the support!

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